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May 31, 2011

Лекция на 11.06.2011 за Java EE

На 4-ти юни няма да има учебни занятия. На 11 юни ще се проведе втората част от обучението за Java EE технологиите с лектор Милена Душанова. Тя ще обхване следните теми:

JMX – концепцията Managed Java Objects. Типове managed beans (MBeans).

JMS – технология JMS за комуникация между компоненти и приложения по модел производител-консуматор, JMS съобщения, JMS приложения, имплементация на JMS сървър и JMS клиент

Web Services – инфраструктура на уеб услугите – HTTP, SOAP, WSDL, моделът SOA, моделът REST услуги, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, създаване, деплойване и извикване на уеб услуга с JAX-WS, деплойване и извикване на REST услуга с JAX-RS

SOA – концепция и подходи при имплементиране на SOA архитектури.

Sep 29, 2010

Free Java EE Course in the Technical University of Sofia

Thanks to the Student’s Council of the Technical University of Sofia we organize a serious long-term course in Java and Java EE in the Technical University of Sofia. The course will be held each Saturday (all the day) in the Technical University of Sofia, starting in the middle of October 2010 and will finish in June 2011.


The course curriculum includes the most important concepts and technologies regarding Java and Java EE application development. The preliminary course program is as follows:

  1. Introduction to Java Programming – Loops, Arrays, Collections, Input/Output, Object-Oriented Programming, etc.
  2. Introduction to Java Programming – Practical Exam
  3. Databases and XML – Relational Databases, Data Modeling, SQL, Oracle, Hibernate ORM Engine, JPA, XML, JAXP
  4. Databases and XML – Practical Exam
  5. HTML and CSS – HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Creating Static Web Sites
  6. Java Web Development – Servlets, JSP, Tomcat, JavaServer Faces (JSF), JBoss RichFaces
  7. Java Web Development – Practical Exam
  8. Spring Framework – Inversion of Control Containers, Dependency Injection, Integrating Spring with Hibernate and JSF
  9. Web Development with Spring – Practical Exam
  10. Java EE Fundamentals – Java EE Architecture, Application Servers, JMS, EJB, Web Services, etc.

The Training Process

The trainings will consist of lectures (presentations, examples, live demonstrations), practical work in class (exercises) and practical work at home (course projects that will be defended at the exams). Students are expected to bring their own laptop in class.

The Team

The team behind this course are senior software engineers with lots of experience with Java and Java EE development, holding good teaching skills:


We still don’t have a starting date, but it will be in October 2010.